CROSSROADS by Achingliu Kamei


As I stand waiting for my ride

The ride of another tide

Crossing the life of a bride

Dreaming of a life unbridled with strife

Strife that surely visits the old, the young

It's thrilling to be at the crossroads

Seeing the old and the young

The new and the old

The fast and the slow

The lovely and the ugly

The innocent and the guilty

Flowing, running, ever moving

Trains, rivers, blue skies, sands

Crossing each other 

For a millisecond becoming the other

Till each go their way 


                   At the crossroads

                   Fragrant blooms survive 

                   Dreaming of spring



About The Author

A short story writer, poet, and an ultra-runner, Achingliu Kamei teaches Literature in the English Department of ARSD College, D.U. She loves to pen down her day-to-day life in the form of Haiku. Some of her poems and haiku are published/due for publication in anthologies and journals like ‘Caravan’, ‘The Looking Glass Anthology’, ‘Insulatus’ and in ‘International journal Setu’, ‘The Little Journal’, ‘Melbourne culture corner’, ‘Poetry pea journal of Haiku and Senryu’, ‘Imphal Free Press’ and other places. She believes that poetry can heal. Her keen interest in literature and art keeps her engaged in writing, despite her busy schedule as a teacher. She is currently working on her next book of folktales - ‘Morning Blush’ and a collection of poems - ‘Flower of Remembrance’. She is currently residing in Delhi, India, with her husband, two daughters, and Haru, the cat.                    


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